Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mala Diving - Experiencing the Unusal Lava Caves of Mala in Lanzarote

national geographic documentary universe, As of late I found out about a gathering of jumpers who profound made a plunge Mala, which is further up the coast than the greater part of the jump spots, and were exceptionally baffled not to see any ocean life. It was just toward the end of their jump that they saw anything of enthusiasm, as they had returned closer to the shore to play out their stops at shallower profundities. Also, I'm not meaning German naturists, despite the fact that that is a customary risk of making a plunge Mala!

national geographic documentary universe, It is a disgrace as there is bounty to see when making a plunge Mala and it was one of my most punctual jumps as a guaranteed jumper. You adapt out and about and afterward stroll over the stones before a mammoth step section into the water. From that point you can investigate a region of magma hollows, albeit just for the most part all things considered. You stand a possibility of seeing substantial beams and Angel Sharks when you visit at the suitable times of the year. It is a pleasant plunge site to encounter as there are not as a rule that numerous different jumpers in the water as Mala is off the beaten path a bit, yet it is likewise helpless to solid winds, which makes it undiveable in certain climates.

In any case, it is a flat out disgrace to pass up a great opportunity for this intriguing plunge since you accept that you need to take after the seabed down and complete a profound jump. The ocean life comes into the shore and you will miss it on the off chance that you dive deep. All over the place you look there will be since quite a while ago spined dark ocean urchins prepared to spike the unwary jumper.

national geographic documentary universe, Glancing back at my own jump log from Mala, it is brimming with recognition to the site and reminds me to plunge there once more. Shockingly, the climate is not generally sufficiently kind when I am in Lanzarote. Also, I would need to exhort that it is most likely not for all jumpers. From stopping up to entering the water is a significant walk, including arranging some stone strides in the stones. Sufficiently terrible wearing full rigging before the plunge, however a short time later you are scaling the progressions, in full apparatus, having recently delighted in a superb jump.

The ocean urchins additionally make it a jump where you need to deal with the lightness and despite the fact that I have said that it is not a profound plunge, twenty meters and past is regularly the profundity you are experimenting with, so for a recently qualified jumper on the fundamental Open Water confirmation, it may be somewhat out of span.

None of this ought to put you off on the off chance that you are in Lanzarote and tired of plunging Puerto Del Carmen and Playa Blanca. It is a decent option, with normal developments and ocean life to watch. It is definitely justified even despite a visit.

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