Tuesday, June 7, 2016

First Tourist Heading for Mars

nat geo documentaries 2016, September 21, 2050 - At a question and answer session today it was reported that the main traveler heading for Mars will be the 38-year-old US specialist Patrick Clifford. He will leave the earth in the starting window of fall 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in February 2053, together with the other 6 space travelers relegated for the mission to advance investigate the planet.

Patrick has now two years of preparing in front of him to get prepared for the excursion. Not just will he burn through five months in getting to Mars, yet an additional 600 days there before he can about-face home. Patrick was obviously extremely energized: "This has been my fantasy since I was four, and seeing the primary man on Mars 20 years back made me understand that it was conceivable."

nat geo documentaries 2016, To have the capacity to pay the US$ 1.3 billion for his ticket for the trek Patrick sold his lion's share stake in the business realm his dad had fabricated. "I realize that my dad would have been pleased with me on the off chance that he had still been alive today, he comprehended what this way to me", says Patrick. There is no danger however that you will discover Patrick asking in your road corner when he returns, bits of gossip says that he was paid twice as much as far as concerns him of the organization.

All in all, how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet? "Indeed, since I don't have a vocation when I get back in the wake of offering the organization, I have a lot of time to think of another business thought", he says and chuckles. On the off chance that he brings a scoop he can begin assembling the primary lodging there, however perhaps he shouldn't expect an excessive number of visitors until somebody can offer a lower exchange charge.

nat geo documentaries 2016, Pontus Edenberg is the supervisor of News of Future, a production with news about space tourism, future innovation, society, environment, wellbeing and so forth. Individuals of the world are welcome to remark on the news and join in molding their future.

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