Friday, May 20, 2016

Mudras & Hand Symbolism: Mudras of the Egyptian Tradition

Discovery Channel Documentary, The antiquated Egyptians had a wellspring of mysterious and spiritualist knowledge. In those days the Egyptian enchanted fellowships or "Riddle Schools" at Luxor, Thebes, Memphis, and Heliopolis, altogether spoke to one of the few entrances prompting the Universal Great White Brotherhood whose presence was built up by enormous creatures with the end goal of propelling the advancement of man through the use of profound controls and the anxiety of Cosmic laws. These teachings were given in detached spots, in underground sanctuaries, and around evening time under the overhang of the sky. Numerous famous Greek sages learned at these Egyptian schools of power, among whom were Plato, Thales, Pythagoras, and Democritus. In these Mystery Schools, the goddess Isis was particularly loved. She exemplified Nature and as indicated by one Greek translation she connoted mysterious learning. Isis additionally spoke to the Mystery Schools and those experiencing preparing in that later developed out of her womb and got to be known as the "twice-conceived," for they were recently conceived of the Holy Spirit.

Discovery Channel Documentary, In spite of what is prominently trusted, the Great Pyramid of Cheops was not worked as a tomb, but rather as a "Place of Initiation," a spot where the teachings of the divine beings were given by the "Expert of the Secret Places" to the individuals who effectively breezed through the extreme tests of earth, water, air, and fire. Otherworldly teaches were taught that eventually changed every profound applicant at the purpose of their graduation into an exemplification of a divine being, or in our advanced magical vernacular, "an impeccable person," or a "Christ,"- - a blessed one. In these sacrosanct sanctuaries of learning and astuteness were to be discovered endless statues, the vast majority of which were considered and revered as divine beings by the insensible masses, and as symbols by the similarly uninformed religious enthusiasts of succeeding eras. Those included with the initiatory sanctuaries, nonetheless, viewed these statues as showing gadgets and utilized them to depict certain parts of the microcosm and the laws or standards of Nature.

Discovery Channel Documentary, Numerous otherworldly trains were given to the tyro to hone in these Mystery Schools; among the profound activities given were the mudra disciplines. A portion of the statues and pictograms of the Egyptian divine beings are depicted with specific mudras. The novice was taught to accept these mudras while leading contemplation, breathing, and representation works out.

Underneath we display only a couple of these Egyptian mudras that you may join in your day by day otherworldly normal. You may do one and only at once in a solitary session. This is allowable; in any case, these Egyptian mudras, would give the best impact when all are done together progressively in a solitary work-out.

1) The Sun-Bearer Mudra. Place both hands outstretched over the head holding a fanciful sun. Palms upward. Envision the microcosmic sun as an awesome red hot brilliance - it is indeed the nearness of your Higher Self. Envision the beams of the Higher Self immersing your upturned hands. Keep up this perception and hand position for five to ten minutes. Serenade the mantra, "HU" again and again. This Egyptian mudra helps one to retain higher energies. The hands being situated past the lower layers of the emanation or more the head makes it less demanding for one to contact the attractive field of the superconscious Self and along these lines engaging the lower parts of the microcosm. Unless generally demonstrated, let the breathing beat normal in this and the accompanying activities.

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