Tuesday, April 26, 2016

10 Scariest Animal Attacks On Humans

10 Most Shocking Animal Attacks.

discovery channel animals, In 2007, a group of wild monkeys attacked a senior government official of Delhi, India. Deputy Mayor S S Bajwa was attacked by a horde of wild monkeys when he was on the first-floor terrace of his home. In an attempt to fight off the monkeys, Bajwa fell off from the terrace. He was rushed to a hospital. A day later, Bajwa succumbed to multiple head injuries.

Ofir Drori, an award-winning wildlife conservationist, was floating along Ethiopia's Omo River in a canoe in December 2013 when he had a gruesome encounter with one of its inhabitants. As Drori was taking in his surroundings, enjoying the peace and tranquillity of the river, a three metre crocodile went straight for his canoe and latched onto his calf.
Amazingly, Drori had the wherewithal to realise he was in shallow waters and removed his free
leg from the canoe, digging his foot into the rivers bed. This crocodile wasn't giving up without a fight though, sinking his teeth further into Drori's leg and dragging him out into deeper water in the process. Somehow, Drori managed to remove his leg from the crocodile's mouth only to discover that a chunk of his calf was missing. tiger-wild-animals-planet.

Christian Walliser, an experienced tiger trainer, was attacked by three Bengal tigers following a fall during a circus show in Hamburg in 2009. Pinned to the ground by the three tigers, the 200 guests attending the "Dinner Circus" watched on in a state of horror.
Shockingly, the gruesome attack saw the tigers sink their teeth into Walliser's head and
his upper body. They also managed to tear off one of his hands. Walliser sustained serious injuries but he survived the attack.

American environmentalist documentary maker and bear lover, Timothy Treadwell was killed in Katmai National Park in Alaska in October of 2003. Treadwell had spent thirteen consecutive summers at Katmai observing wildlife. An air taxi pilot that was sent to collect Treadwell and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard from Katmai landed to find their campsite empty. Later, local park rangers found the mauled bodies of Treadwell and Huguenard. In a shocking turn of events, dismembered parts of Treadwell's body were found by rescuers in a number of locations. It was later confirmed that a male grizzly had partially eaten the couple.

Steve Irwin, popularly known as Crocodile
Hunter, died when a stingray barb attacked him during a filming session in Australia's
Great Barrier Reef.
He died following several stabbings to the
Stingrays are said to attack only when they feel threatened, making the incidence
of Irwin's death extremely rare.
Irwin's death has garnered renewed media attention
as his cameraman Justin Lyons; the last man to see Irwin alive, has spoken out about Irwin's
final moments.
He stated that the barb "went through Steve's
chest like a hot knife through butter.
" Lyons further added that once pulled onto
the boat and attempts to save Irwin were underway, he looked up at his cameraman and friend calmly
and said "I'm dying", which were his last words.
In April 2008, Rocky, a 5-year-old grizzly
bear trained to wrestle for TV shows and movies attacked his 39 year old trainer Stephen Miller.
Miller died on the spot when grizzly bit him on the neck during the filming of a promotional
According to Randy Miller, owner of Predators
in Action, "the incidence was extremely shocking.
" According to him Rocky was very responsive
to the cues during the filming of the scene and the terrible attack was unanticipated.
A Texas graduate student of Goodall Institute
in South Africa was brutally attacked by a group of chimps when he got too close to them
for a closer observation.
Reportedly, he did not heed safety precautions
and crossed two safety fences.
The 26-year-old anthropology student was dragged
nearly a half mile by his feet and was brutally bitten on ear and hands.
He lost part of an ear and parts of his fingers in the attack.
Roy Horn, of the popular German-American duo
Siegfried & Roy, suffered critical injuries following a bite to the neck by a 600 pound
white Bengal tiger called Manticore.
The duo were performing at the Mirage Hotel
and Casino in Las Vegas when the attack occurred, one onlooker stating that Horn "looked like
a rag doll in Manticore's mouth.
" Amazingly, Horn survived but has been left
partially paralysed as a result of the attack.
Manticore died in March of 2014, aged 17.
Tilikum, a 12,000 pound, 25 foot Orca whale
killed his 40 year old trainer Dawn Brancheau in February of 2010.
Shockingly, the attack took place in front of a crowd of spectators as they awaited a
demonstration between Brancheau and the killer whale.
Numerous onlookers recounted identical stories regarding the incident, claiming that the
whale jumped up out of the water grabbing Brancheau by the waist and pulling her underwater.
Alarmingly, Tilikum has been involved in the deaths of three humans to date.
He is now
living in captivity at Seaworld Orlando, Florida.
It was in February 2009, when male chimpanzee
Travis viciously mauled Charla Nash, a friend of his keeper.
Raised by Sandy Herold from birth, Travis suppressed his bloodthirsty self for 14 years
before going on his ferocious rampage.
He mauled Charla Nash, ripping off her eyelids,
nose, lips and hands.
The bloodbath was brought to an end when a
cop shot him after he ripped open the door of the police cruiser and flashed his blood-covered
Nash was blinded and has had a face transplant.
She underwent numerous reconstructive surgeries.

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